2017年5月31日 星期三

轉貼文章 ~ 誰是「最佳排便時間」?




      肯尼斯寇奇醫生(Dr.Kenneth Koch),北卡羅萊納州的醒湖醫學中心(Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center)認為「早晨」是最佳排便時間!







原文出自  https://www.littlethings.com/best-time-to-poop/
















2017年5月30日 星期二

Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Or is it? European supermarket oils are rancid and fail the EVOO test

New Zealand imports 2.6 million litres of olive oil per year from Europe. If you (like me) buy your Spanish or Italian branded extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) at the supermarket thinking you are buying a quality product, you might be surprised at the results of recent tests.
Fair Go – a New Zealand Consumer programme, decided to quality test EVOO oils from supermarkets in New Zealand following reports from studies in Australia and California that showed 80% and 69% respectively were not in fact EVOO quality. Report: Most Imported Extra Virgin Olive Oils Aren’t Extra Virgin . and Choice the people’s watchdog: Extra virgin olive oil 2010 review; Is what you buy the real deal?
Fair Go picked 14 oils from supermarkets shelves, 7 European, 4 Kiwi (not the fruit – the country, New Zealand) and 3 Australian ones. Video here: TV1 Fair Go ‘The Good Oil’
There are two tests to determine whether an oil is up to EVOO standards:
1. A Sensory test carried out by IOC certified olive oil tasters
2. A chemical test, carried out in a laboratory
An International Olive Oil Council (IOC) panel of tasters were brought together at the Nutrition Department of Massey University. The oils were blind taste tested. The 7 European oils failed the sensory test, as did one New Zealand brand olive oils (Peta Mathias).
The tasters said all these oils tasted very unpleasant.They think New Zealanders are so used to using these oils they don’t notice they are off.

I won’t be buying any of these oils again – all were rancid, and Olivani and Lupi failed Australian EVOO test

The oils were sent to an Australian Laboratory (rated the top lab on the world for the last 2 years)- all passed IOC EVOO standards, however when put through a more stringent Australian test two failed – Lupi and Olivani olive oils.
When tested for oxidation – ALL 7 European oils were described as having varying degrees of rancidity, which the tasters could clearly taste. Not only does oxidised oil taste bad – it is full of free radicals and is bad for you.
EVOO has strict standards of manufacture – Olives must be pressed only once – mechanically. Oil must not be extracted chemically or with excessive heat.
According to Tom Mueller author of “Extra Virginity” (book and website) the oil exported to New Zealand and Australia are the dregs that can’t be sold in Europe – inferior olive oil.
Storage: EVOO deteriorates with 3 things – light, air and heat. It must be stored in sealed dark glass bottles and kept cool. Transportation from one side of the world to the other can subject the oil to excessive heat.
I won’t be buying cheap European oils any more. We have some of the World’s best olive oils made from New Zealand grown olives. Village Press – one of the brands tested that passed all tests is sold through supermarkets.









轉貼文章 ~ 大鱷預備迎接金融市場「大屠殺」

辛格(Paul Singer),對沖基金Elliott創辦人,一位億萬富翁、曾搞到阿根廷雞毛鴨血的「傳奇大鱷」,現時管理資產逾330億美元。














轉貼文章 ~【瞓厲頸點解救?】


1. 冷敷:通常瞓厲頸都係因為頸部肌肉急性發炎,用發燒常用嘅冷敷墊(Cold Pack)可以幫助舒緩痛楚;

2. 伸展:幫自己進行兩邊拉頸呢啲伸展動作,好似運動前做嘅熱身動作咁,拉鬆番扯緊咗嘅肌肉;

3. 藥物治療:以上兩個方法都幫你唔到的話,可以食平時食開嘅消炎止痛藥,由體內發揮止痛藥效;如果怕食藥傷胃的話,可以用唔經腸胃吸收嘅非類固醇消炎(NSAID)止痛貼,藥力可以直接滲入痛處,又唔怕有副作用。但當然如果做齊晒以上方法都係繼續痛的話,咁就要搵醫生睇吓係咪有其他問題嘞。








2017年5月28日 星期日




  1. 40歲以上男性
  2. 有攝護腺肥大家族病史
  3. 缺乏運動
  4. 肥胖
  5. 患有心臟病或第二型糖尿病
  6. 勃起性功能障礙

  • 補充蛋白質與鋅

  • 維持健康飲食

  • 避免咖啡酒精

  • 養成規律運動

  • 保持健康性生活


轉貼文章 ~ Must Know: Why You Need to Stay Away From These Vitamins


We have been using mineral supplements and multivitamins even since 1940s, and the Americans have been utilizing them quite often. In order to avoid lack of essential nutrients and to improve the health, millions of people worldwide take supplements.
Centrum vitamins are a multivitamin which combines all the essential minerals and vitamins, and many people use this.
About 40% of the entire supplements sales are belong to the multivitamins, or to be specific in numbers, only in 2014, the multivitamins sold $5.7 billion of total $37 billion sales of supplements.
The highest number in sales belongs to the Centrum vitamins, by Pfizer. They have the largest pharmaceutical company in the world, and they work with manufactured chemicals. But on the other hand, they have also been involved in many controversy, frauds and legal battles.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest – which is a consumer watchdog group, threatened to sue the Centrum vitamins regarding false claims in 2012.
And in the end, the company was obliged to withdraw their claims regarding colon and breast health. The company doesn’t have standards, specificity and regulation. And these multivitamins do not require set levels and standards.
And this is a very common thing – they continue to promote their supplements which are synthetically and chemically filled, and they actually are more harmful than they are beneficial.
And besides their advertising that the multivitamins are powerful in improving the metabolism and immunity, they are full with numerous additives that are dangerous and toxic to the body.
These vitamins are full with numerous toxic and carcinogenic additives and chemical and few color additives and at least 3 preservatives.

Here are the harmful ingredients they contain:

  • Calcium Carbonate – this is contained also in pearls, shells and rocks. It has the ability to increase the levels of calcium in the body – but also it can lead to heart disease and strokes. Its use has also been related to myocardial infarction and heart problems.
  • Polyethylene Glycol – this compound is used in the production of over-the-counter laxatives, rocket fuel and coal-burning plants. It is considered to be the cause for autism, esophageal bleeding, hives and other allergic reactions and kidney damage. It is also believed to cause encopresis – which is a constant leakage of semi-formed feces, in children.
  • Hydrogenated Oil – this type of oil get highly toxic when it is being processed under injections of metal, atmospheres of pressure and extreme heat. Using this can cause massive arterial and heart issues, producing cholesterol to bandage affected artery walls, after clogging the arteries. It also impacts the brain and leads to Alzheimer’s as a result of vascular problems.
  • Food Dye Yellow 6 – this type of dye –which is used in multivitamins, is highly toxic and also carcinogen and can lead to chromosomal damage, tumors on the testes and kidneys and also allergies. It is also the culprit for restlessness, hyperactivity and ADHD.
  • GMO Corn Starch – it contains many side-effects that can impact the body and also the organs that are responsible for detoxification like the kidneys and liver, and also the adrenal glands, heart and the spleen. It can cause lethal kidney failure as a result of Hepatorenal Toxicity.
  • Titanium Dioxide – this compound is carcinogenic to people. It is added in numerous products such as toothpaste, cosmetics, paints, like in ink paper and a whitening agent.

These multivitamins are even more harmful for children’s health, because they also contain these dangerous additives:

  • Cupric Oxide – this is a highly hazardous copper mineral. It is very toxic for the environment and can lead to childhood cirrhosis and kidney disease.
  • Artificial Sweeteners (Aspartame) – methanol and formaldehyde are produced when these artificial sweeteners are ingested. It is considered that they are the culprit of 40 negative effects, such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, cancer, ADD and birth defects.
  • Zinc Oxide – this is also a very dangerous compound and it can cause upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea and many others.
  • Lactose (Milk Sugar) – 2-8% of the milk is lactose. It is dissolved in the stomach by specific enzymes and this results in lactose intolerance and causes nausea, upset stomach, cramping, bloating, diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Sugar (Sucrose) – it is also known as table sugar, which gives more that 100 negative impacts sucha as suppressed vitamin and mineral absorption, immune suppression, hyper-anxiety, obesity, diabetes, cancer and many other.
  • Food Dye Blue 2 – all the color additives and food dyes are highly toxic and can cause general malaise, learning disorders and brain tumors.

Food Vitamins

Fresh food is always a better way to intake all the needed vitamins. But if you want to take supplement vitamins, at least use the ones that are with high-quality.
Also augment the consummation of whole foods which can be absorbed and processed easier. Here are some foods that contain numerous nutrients and you need to incorporate them in your daily diet.

Foods rich in nutrients than need to be taken every day:

  • Vegetables – they are rich in phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals so it is recommended to eat veggies every day. They are highly beneficial and have no negative effects. So consume watercress, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, avocados, sweet potatoes, leafy greens and broccoli.
  • Fruits – they are abundant in potassium, vitamin C, folate, fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. They are powerful in regulating the blood pressure and also reduce the risk of heart problems. Goji berry, magui berry, pomegranate, acai berry and red grapes have the highest amount of antioxidants.
  • Organic, Grass-Fed meat and wild game – they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and are richer for 2 to 4 times than meat fed with grains. They contain lower levels of calories and fat, but richer in nutrients. They are also abundant in CLA – healthy fat that can prevent and treat cancer, and in Vitamin E.
  • Free Range Poultry and Eggs – they are richer in good fat and nutrients that the poultry bred in cages. The eggs contain high levels of vitamin D, omega’s, beta-carotene and vitamins A and E.
  • Herbs – herbs are abundant in phytosterols, essential oils, antioxidants and nutrients. Turmeric contains the most powerful antioxidant – curcumin- which is beneficial in hindering brain diseases, cancer and pain. Many herbs have vaporous oils that are beneficial in treating anxiety, improve digestion, treat weight loss, cancer and multiple illnesses. These are the most potent herbs – basil garlic, turmeric, parsley, oregano and ginger.
  • Pastured Raw Dairy – it can improve the immune system due to its content of fat-soluble vitamins, acids and minerals. It is beneficial in improving the health of the nails, skin and hair, and in treating digestive problems and cancer.
  • Sprouted grains, seeds, nuts and beans – germinating seeds is the process called sprouting and it releases the beneficial enzymes, whether it involves grains, beans, nuts or others. The nutrients from these are more easily absorbed and they are also easier to digest. It also increases the levels of beneficial flora in the gut.
  • Wild-caught fish – it is rich in protein and fatty acids. Eating those 2 or more times a week can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other diseases.

Beneficial Multivitamins

In case you want to augment the nutrients in the body by taking supplement, you need to remember these things:
It is recommended to consume 100% whole-food base and 100% organic heated or raw food. It is important to have minerals to aid the nutrient absorption.
Do not consume food that has GMO’s or binders like magnesium stearate, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, corn, soy, gluten, dyes and colorings. Do not consume vitamins that have synthetics such as USP-verified ones.
Do not forget to read the labels, and be aware that even the ones that are marked as healthy, may not be beneficial such as Centrum is.
Always choose real food and high quality food vitamins, and do not take harmful and synthetic ones, like Centrum. And it is always the best choice to provide the essential minerals and vitamins by whole food intake.



1.     碳酸鈣(Calcium Carbonate)


2.     聚乙二醇(Polyethylene Glycol)


3.     氫化油(Hydrogenated Oil )


4.     食用色素6(Food Dye Yellow 6 )


5.     基因改造玉米澱粉(GMO Corn Starch )


6.     二氧化鈦(Titanium Dioxide )




封面出自:salud180   timefornaturalcare