2019年5月29日 星期三

轉貼文章 ~ Diabetes Symptoms in Men: 3 Crucial Things You Must Know!

Fun fact: Did you know that men have a slightly higher chance of developing diabetes compared to women? This is according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This means that if you have the Y chromosome (yes, I’m referring to you men/guys), it’s important to know more about diabetes symptoms in men. Many of them are similar for both genders. However, there are a few things that are specific to men.
Also, if you’re itching to know why there’s a photo of Tom Hanks in this article, read on! I promise you, there’s a good reason.

Diabetes Symptoms in Men (and women)

No matter if you’re a man or a women, there are 4 key symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus that you need to watch for:
1. Increased Thirst. You may notice that you constantly feel thirsty, and always searching for a drink (I don’t mean alcohol). You find yourself needing to drink large amounts of water to quench the thirst – beyond typical for a normal adult which is about 2 litres a day.
2. Frequent urination. You go to the toilet to pee very often in the day, even several times an hour. At night, you may wake up multiple times to go to the bathroom, and it affects your sleep.
3. Lethargy/Lack of energy. You notice that you have been feeling increasingly lethargic over the past few months. You don’t have the energy you used to have before, and tire out easily even after simple activities.
4. Weight Loss. You realise that you’ve been losing weight quite rapidly over the past few months. This is particularly significant for young adults, in whom Type 1 diabetes is more common. For men, this also includes experiencing a sudden loss of your muscle mass and an overall reduction in your body strength.
diabetes symptoms in men
Image credits: http://www.diabeteszone.org/
The reason why you may experience these symptoms is because when you have diabetes, your blood glucose levels are abnormally high. Your kidneys need to work extra hard to absorb the extra sugar. Beyond a certain point, the extra sugar is lost through your urine, taking with it additional water. Hence you feel thirsty and go to the toilet often.
Because you’re losing calories from the excreted sugar and the sugar in the blood stream is not able to go into your cells to power them, you may feel fatigued and even experience some weight loss.

What is diabetes and how does it affect me?

Diabetes is a chronic disease and is medically defined by having abnormally high blood glucose (sugar) levels in the body. This may be due to lack of insulin (in Type 1 diabetes, usually in younger patients), or due to a combination of lack of insulin production and increased resistance to insulin in the rest of the body’s tissues (in Type 2 diabetes, usually older patients). Insulin is an important hormone produced by the pancreas that allows glucose to enter our cells from the bloodstream. Our cells use glucose as a source of energy.
Persistently high blood glucose levels can damage the blood vessels in many organs, leading to heart disease, stroke, amputations, blindness and kidney failure. That’s why diabetes can be a fearful disease if you don’t manage it well.

Can diabetes symptoms in men affect me sexually?

Besides everything that I’ve mentioned about, there are other specific diabetes symptoms in men, that may arise as complications of diabetes. These include:
erectile dysfunction diabetes symptoms in men
Image Credit : Pixabay

1. Erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is the difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. If you have diabetes, you are 2 – 3 times more likely to have erectile dysfunction compared to men who are well; or experience the problem 10 – 15 years earlier. There is also research that suggests that erectile dysfunction may be an early marker of diabetes, particularly in younger men.
This happens because constantly high levels of sugar in the blood stream can damage the blood vessels of the penis, or the blood vessels supplying the nerves to the penis. When the blood vessels and nerves are damaged, the blood flow to the penis is significantly reduced, resulting in erectile dysfunction. Other causes of erectile dysfunction include smoking, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.
If you have this symptom, you’re not alone. In fact, the prevalence of erectile dysfunction rises with age, and rises to over 70% of men over the age of 70. Interestingly, a study by John Hopkins University found that people with diabetes had increased levels of a particular simple sugar that interferes with the events needed to achieve and maintain an erection.
Consider talking with your doctor if you have this symptom. He will review your past history, do a physical examination and may run some tests to find out the cause of your problem. There are a variety of treatments for this – which can include oral medications (such as Viagra), vacuum pumps, penile implants and even surgery.

2. Retrograde Ejaculation

retrograde ejaculation diabetes symptoms in men
Image credit : Wikipedia

Have you noticed that minimal semen is discharged during ejaculation? Or you produce cloudy urine after an orgasm? You may have a condition called retrograde ejaculation. Basically, this means that during ejaculation, the semen passes into the urinary bladder instead of out through the tip of the penis. This can be easily diagnosed by analysing a sample of urine for the presence of semen.
This happens because the muscles in part of the male urinary tract (urethra) are not working normally to direct the flow of semen in the right direction. High blood sugar levels in diabetes is one of the causes of retrograde ejaculation. Other causes include previous urological surgery.
It would be advisable to see a doctor for further evaluation, if you experience one of these diabetes symptoms in men. Generally, retrograde ejaculation doesn’t need formal treatment unless fertility is a problem. Treatment options may include medications that help keep the bladder neck muscle closed during ejaculation – however these only work if the problem is caused by nerve damage, such as in diabetes.

3. Urinary problems

This includes both difficulty in urination, as well as an increased urge and frequency of urination. The bladder may become overly active, or the muscles of the bladder may become too weak to completely empty the bladder. This is caused by damage to the nerves due to high blood sugar levels in diabetes. This can significantly affect your quality of life, and can also predispose you to urinary tract infections which will require treatment with a course of antibiotics.
When you see your doctor for this issue, he may order some tests to check your bladder function, such as x-rays, uroflow testing or cystoscopy (where a small camera is used to view the inside of the bladder). Treatment will depend on the exact cause of the nerve damage, and should be discussed with your doctor in detail.

What should I do?

Don’t worry. The first thing you should do if you have these symptoms is to make an appointment to see your doctor. He or she may suggest that you get a screening test done. This is a simple blood test (fasting blood glucose, or HbA1c) that can tell you if you’re likely to have diabetes. Your doctor will also do a thorough check to look for other causes of your symptoms, and refer you to a urologist for further evaluation if needed.

How do I prevent or treat these problems?

The most important thing you can do is to keep your blood sugar levels in control. This will significantly reduce your risk of developing the symptoms and complications above.
Eating healthily, exercising more and taking your medications as prescribed by your doctor are important things you can do, even today.
This includes:
  • Taking more fruits and vegetables, and less refined carbohydrates such as white rice and white bread
  • Avoid low-nutrition, high-sugar foods like soft drinks, sweets and certain desserts
  • Maintaining a healthy weight through portion control and reducing intake of unhealthy fats
  • Having a regular exercise schedule, ideally reaching 150 minutes of moderate activity per week (or 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week). This is the level recommended by the American Heart Association
Here are 3 easy-to-read articles that will help you get started in the right direction:
And for the erection and sexual problems, you should see your doctor to discuss treatment options. This may include:
  • Having a medication review with your doctor to ensure that you’re getting the right treatment for your condition.
  • Reviewing if there are psychological causes for the condition
  • Reducing your alcohol intake (alcohol is a known sexual depressant)
As an end note, you should know that diabetes is a relatively common disease, and it can happen to anyone – even famous male celebrities. Did you know that Tom Hanks and George Lucas both have Type 2 diabetes? Tom Hanks in particular has been very candid and open about his struggle with the condition, and even called himself a ‘total idiot‘ in dealing with his condition initially.


To summarise, it’s important to recognise what some of the diabetes symptoms in men are, so that you can take the right steps to prevent it. even if you have diabetes, you can still live a good, healthy life by managing your condition well.
You can do this by eating right, exercising more and taking your medications as prescribed. This will reduce your risk of developing some of the nasty complications and diabetes symptoms in men, such as erectile dysfunction or urinary problems.
Please share this post with your family and friends if you found this useful!

轉貼文章 ~ ❀ 不花錢 給自己做一次全面體檢 ❀


1、憋氣 深吸一口氣,然後憋氣,時間越久越好。能憋氣50秒鐘最理想(50歲為30秒、60歲為25秒),如果少於10秒,說明肺功能很差。

2、吹氣 深吸一口氣,然後猛吹氣,能在3秒內吹完則肺功能正常(50歲為4秒,60歲為5秒)。中老年人吹氣時間超過6秒,預示肺功能下降,可能存在氣道阻塞性肺疾患,很可能是慢性阻塞性肺病造成的。



2、爬樓梯 中老年人爬3-5層樓梯感到心跳加快,有些氣喘,但休息10分鐘恢復正常為良好。如爬完樓梯感到心臟像要從嗓子眼兒跳出來,休息20-30分鐘後仍感到氣急、呼吸困難,甚至心跳越來越快,則心功能明顯下降。


坐位前屈 坐在地板上,向前伸直腿,腳趾朝上,腰部前彎,手臂前伸努力觸及腳趾。如果夠不到腳趾,或夠腳趾的過程中感到憋氣、心慌等不適,說明動脈已硬化。做以上動作時動脈血管壁受到牽拉,如血管壁硬化則會產生不適。


2019年5月28日 星期二

轉貼文章 ~ How to Play Nice with Rice

No doubt you have been told by many well-meaning friends and family “You have diabetes, cut out the rice!” or something along those lines. So is this necessary? Or is it possible to play nice with rice?
Rice is a central player in the Singaporean diet and in other Asian cuisines. There are so many different varieties and I am sure you can think of many of your favourite dishes that involve this essential staple. Indeed, rice adds a base to which you can add flavour, colour, texture, spice and all things nice such as vegetables, meat, poultry, fish or legumes.
However, in recent times, it has developed a bad reputation due to its high carbohydrate load and low fibre content. When you think about it, eating a large meal of rice and then going and sitting at your desk for the rest of the day is very different to when people ate the same meal back in the day but had very active lifestyles. There is no doubt that on a daily basis we are eating more food than we need to match our energy needs, rice included! We are also moving very little! In fact approximately 54% of surveyed Singaporeans did not participate in any form of sports/exercise at all in the past three months.
Do not despair, the solution is not to cut out rice completely. Instead you need to start to get choosy when it comes to the type and amount you eat.

Here are 4 tips to make sure you can continue enjoying your rice:

  1. Eat in smaller amounts, rice should only take up 1/4 of your plate. Fill up the other 1/4 with a lean protein and 1/2 with a rainbow of vegetables. Vegetables help to fill you up and boost your fibre intake. Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 5.20.45 pm
  2. Aim for 1/2 cup of cooked rice (75-120g) or less at main meals. When in doubt, a serving should be the size of your fist.
  3. White rice has had its bran layer polished off. This means it is lower in fibre and vitamins than brown rice. Choose brown rice or lower GI varieties like basmati. The following healthier choices are examples you can find in your local Singaporean supermarkets such as Fairprice.Doongara White riceDoongara Brown Rice
  4. Lower the GI of your rice meal by adding low GI legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans or nuts and seeds to your meals.
For starters, try to increase the amount of veggies and lean protein on your plate. Eat those first and remember to eat slowly and stop eating when you are satisfied.
You can also ask for less rice when ordering from Hawker Centres or when eating out. Try to start thinking of rice as a great side rather than the whole meal.
An essential piece of the puzzle when improving your nutrition is eating food in the right amounts. This is a step in the RICE direction to better blood glucose control.

Biofase - organic plastics from avocado seeds

墨西哥公司創辦人 Scott Mungía 畢業於化學工程系,他在校時就花了 3 年多時閒研究牛油果核,結果發現牛油果核物質降解的速度比起塑膠快很多。於是,他嘗試利用牛油果核轉化成生物塑料(Bioplastics),取得專利後命名為「Avoplast」。Avoplast 製成的餐具外表像一般的即棄塑膠餐具,然而最快能夠在 240 天内完全分解,比起塑膠餐具要環保得多。
現時,「Avoplast」推出了刀叉、匙羹以及飲管,只要放在乾爽地方就能保存一年。「Avoplast」產品主要在拉丁美洲銷售,不過大家也可在官網買得到。US$9.89(約 HK$77)能買到 150 支 Avoplast 飲管,平均約 HK$0.5 一支;US$7.49(約 HK$58)則買到 24 支 Avoplast 餐具,平均為 HK$2.5 一支,不算十分貴。有興趣的朋友不妨入手支持吧!

2019年5月27日 星期一

轉同文章 ~ 跑者必備的6個臀肌訓練 讓你跑得更輕鬆、降低膝蓋傷害


跑者必備的6個臀肌訓練 讓你跑得更輕鬆、降低膝蓋傷害


1. 雙腳直立預備。
2. 單腿微彎,另一隻腿向後抬,身體保持打直,腿抬到盡可能讓身體與地板平行。
3. 回到站立姿,每條腿各做2-3組12次。



1. 側躺在地面,靠地面的手自在伸展,另一手可放在臀部。
2. 靠上方的腿向天花板方向抬起,放下時腿仍保持離地。
3. 若要增加強度,抬起的腿放下時可讓腳趾觸碰地面。
4. 每側各做2-3組30秒。



1. 上半身平躺地面,一條腿彎曲、另一條腿伸直。
2. 運用彎曲腿的力量把臀部向上推,使肩頸、背部、臀部與伸直腿呈一直線;同時彎曲腿以腳跟著地增加強度。停在此動作深呼吸數秒鐘。
3. 放鬆平躺回地面。
4. 每條腿做2-3組15次。



1. 彈力帶的一邊綁在重物上,單腳的腳後跟套上彈力帶。
2. 站立,沒套彈力帶的腳踩地保持平衡(手可抓其他物體保持平衡),套著彈力帶的腳先往前伸預備,再往後拉至彈力帶緊繃,重複此動作。
3. 每條腿做20-25次。


1. 四肢著地跪姿,背部打直。彈力帶一端纏繞在膝蓋上、另一端纏繞在腳底。
2. 纏繞腳底的腿向後上方伸展,伸到盡量超過身體高度,過程中專注於臀肌收縮。
3. 每條腿做15-20次。

6. 直腿跳躍 Straight leg bounds

1. 雙腳站立地面,使用臀部力量左右腳輪流向前大步跳躍,全程保持雙腿伸直。
2. 可隨訓練次數逐漸加速。
3. 練習起初以50公尺為目標,之後漸進延長到100公尺。



2019年5月26日 星期日

轉貼文章 ~ 糖有毒!│超可怕7大危機,美國醫學會:連皮膚也會鬆弛

飲食中含有的添加糖愈多,就愈不健康。二○一五年《營養學評論》期刊(Nutrition Reviews)刊登了一篇研究報告,這項研究檢視了數十名學生從一九七二到二○一二年間的健康情況,發現攝取添加糖的量愈高,飲食條件就愈差,微量營養素的攝取量也愈低。
不過,添加糖最強大的影響不是身體,而是大腦。曾有研究人員測量大鼠腦內的催產素(Oxytocin)濃度,這是一種讓我們感到滿足的快樂荷爾蒙。習慣低糖飲食的大鼠就算吃了含糖量很高的一餐,催產素濃度也不會有變化。但若讓大鼠愛吃高糖飲食,大鼠腦內的催產素活動會變低。也就是說,添加糖吃得愈多,就更容易感到食欲未被滿足,於是需要吃更多東西。紐約大學也做過類似研究,他們發現胰島素(調節血糖的荷爾蒙)濃度上升會同步引發多巴胺濃度上升,多巴胺是刺激大腦快樂中樞(Pleasure Center)的神經傳導物質。
二○一三年《生理學期刊》(The Journal of Physiology)的一篇論文中提到,這或許就是人工甜味劑會讓我們渴望更多熱量的原因。這項研究找到一種特定的大腦生理信號,這種信號會幫助我們區別天然甜味劑與人工甜味劑。當信號判定我們正在攝取糖分熱量時,就會抑制多巴胺的分泌。
無論汽水製造商如何狡辯,糖分確實與罹患糖尿病的機率成正比,跟「吸菸導致肺癌」同為永恆不變的醫學事實。(下一章將會舉出更多與糖有關的詭辯。)梅奧醫學中心(Mayo Clinic)的研究人員挺身而出,直指添加果糖(無論是日常用糖或是高果糖玉米糖漿的主要成分)很可能就是導致糖尿病的頭號原因,只要減少糖的攝取量,就能降低全球死於糖尿病的人數。
加州大學洛杉磯分校的教授費南多.戈梅茲-平尼拉(Fernando Gomez-Pinilla)指出:「如果你想保護大腦,最好少吃果糖。」他與研究團隊在實驗中觀察腦部受過傷的大鼠,如何找到新方法走出迷宮。他們發現,喝高果糖玉米糖漿的大鼠多花了百分之三十的時間才找到出口。「我們發現果糖會干擾可塑性:學習或體驗新事物時,腦細胞之間建立新路徑的過程。」他說。
在一項更早的研究中發現,糖與脂肪的組合會改變大腦的化學作用。攝取高脂、高糖飲食的實驗動物, 腦源性神經營養因子(Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor,簡稱BDNF)的濃度會降低;這種化合物的功能是幫助腦細胞互相溝通、建立記憶和學習新事物。BDNF濃度降低,與阿茲海默症及憂鬱症都有關聯。
瑞典的研究人員花了十二年追蹤四萬兩千四百名男性,並且在二○一五年發表研究結果。他們發現,每天至少喝兩份含糖飲料的男性,心臟衰竭風險比不喝含糖飲料的男性高了百分之二十三。添加糖的影響非常巨大,你甚至不用等到步入中年就能看見它的影響。根據另一項發表於《營養學期刊》(The Journal of Nutrition)的研究,飲食含有大量添加糖的青少年,血液裡也會出現心臟疾病與糖尿病的風險因子。
發表於《開心》期刊(Open Heart)的一篇論文指出,糖對血壓的影響可能比鹽更嚴重。只要吃高蔗糖飲食幾個星期,收縮壓與舒張壓都會升高。還有一項研究發現,每喝一罐含糖飲料,罹患高血壓的機率就會上升百分之八。藥師詹姆斯.迪尼可蘭托尼奧(James J. DiNicolantonio)指出,過量的糖分導致胰島素濃度過高,進而刺激交感神經系統,使血壓升高。迪尼可蘭托尼奧是聖路克美國中部心臟研究所(Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute)的心血管研究科學家,這間研究所位於密蘇里州的堪薩斯市。他表示:「這也可能導致鈉和鈣堆積在細胞內,造成血管收縮與高血壓。」
膠原與彈性蛋白這兩種化合物,是支撐皮膚緊緻豐潤的要角。當大量的葡萄糖與果糖進入身體,它們將與膠原、彈性蛋白裡的胺基酸結合,形成糖化終產物(Advanced Glycation End Products,簡稱AGEs),對膠原與彈性蛋白造成傷害,並難以修復。《臨床皮膚病學》期刊(Clinical Dermatology)的一篇論文指出,身體裡的糖分愈多,這個過程在皮膚裡的速度就愈快,而且受到紫外線的刺激會更快。也就是說,一邊在游泳池畔曬太陽、一邊攝取大量糖分,會對皮膚造成極大的傷害。
也就是說,身體找到正確的能量平衡後,一旦開始減重,身體就會再度失去平衡。根據二○一五年發表於《肥胖症評論》期刊(Obesity Reviews)的一項研究指出:「大部分試圖減重的人,(就算)花一年的時間也無法達到並維持百分之十的減重量。」研究人員發現,即使減重成功,至少有三分之一的人會在一年內復胖,而且幾乎百分之百都會在三到五年內復胖。這是因為減重和維持體重不能光靠控制飲食。重點在於控制失衡的荷爾蒙,因為是荷爾蒙要我們大吃特吃,以致於成功失敗。

如何穩定血糖?記住 5大方法,從「先喝湯再吃飯」開始












































雞蛋在早餐出現的頻率甚高,但有些人會質疑吃雞蛋是否健康。每隻蛋含78卡路里,一隻大蛋含6克蛋白質以及其他營養,例如維他命D,有助強健骨骼和免疫系統,以及膽鹼,有助於新陳代謝和肝臟功能等。 蛋黃對眼睛有益,因為當中的葉黃素和玉米黃質可以減低白內障和黃斑性變風險。
可是蛋黃卻因為膽固醇而令人卻步。聯邦膳食指南(federal dietary guidelines)曾經指出,一隻大雞蛋含有186毫克膽固醇,超過每日建議適量的一半,但後來在2015年放棄了這個數字,原因是欠缺有科學有效數字為證據。
5月在美國期刊Heart刊登研究報告發現,每天吃蛋有益健康。研究人員對超過近50萬中國成年人進行了9年的研究,發現每天吃一隻蛋可以減低心臟病或中風的風險。專家指出,研究中的參與這沒有西式飲食習慣。 研究發現持續3個月內一星期吃最少12隻蛋,並不會增加前期糖尿病(prediabetes)或2型糖尿病(Type 2 diabetes)患者的心血管疾病風險。
美國UT Southwestern Medical Center臨床營養學教授Jo Ann Carson解釋,雖然我們比20年前更加認同吃蛋有助心臟健康,但是雞蛋始終含有膳食膽固醇。每天吃一隻雞蛋作為飲食的一部份也是合理的。」


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