2016年6月2日 星期四

每日不停對電腦3小時 易患「電腦視覺症候群」

全球多達7000萬人罹患「電腦視覺症候群」(Computer Vision Syndrome),只要一日3小時不停看着電腦螢幕,且眼睛距離電腦螢幕小於50公分,對眼睛造成的傷害足以成疾。眼科專家指出愈來愈多人患上此症狀,皆因工作生活離不開電腦。


尼日利亞和博茨瓦納的眼科專家在《醫療實踐和評論》(Medical Practice and Reviews)的研究指出,建築師、工程師、記者等職業,以及學生,較容易患上電腦視覺症候群,且名單將繼續擴大,因這些人全都「不能離開電腦工作」。另外,研究又顯示,有70%90%的人都會出現一種或多種電腦視覺症候群的症狀,還可能會引發慢性頭痛、頸部疼痛、腰痛等狀況。


8 Things Your Eyes Are Trying To Tell You About Your Health

The human body is a pretty amazing thing. When something isn’t quite right, your body has a way of sending you signals to give you a heads up. One of the ways your body lets you know that something is off is through your eyes. Believe it or not, your eyes can act as a window into your health. Here are eight eye conditions, and what they mean in terms of your health.

1. A Persisting Stye  麥粒腫

Stye’s can be painful and irritating, but they usually disappear in a few days. If you have a stye that hasn’t cleared up after about three months, it could be a sign of a rare cancer known as sebaceous gland carcinoma. The same may be true for a stye that keeps occurring in the same location.

2. Eyebrow Hair Loss 眉脫

Hair loss happens for a variety of reasons. If the outer part of your eyebrow starts to disappear, there may be a more serious problem. Eyebrow hair loss can be an indicator of thyroid disease.

3. Blurry Vision  視力模糊

If you’re a frequent computer user, you may experience burning eyes or blurry vision. If your vision becomes blurry while you’re staring at a computer screen, it’s the result of computer vision syndrome. Your eyes become strained due to the lack of contrast on the computer screen, combined with the extra work of focusing on pixels.

4. A Blind Spot  視野小盲點

A small blind spot in your vision might have a deeper meaning. If you’re experiencing a blind spot with shimmering lights or a wavy line, it may be because of a migraine aura. Blind spots may be accompanied by a headache.

5. Bulging Eyes 甲狀腺功能亢進

Your eyes can definitely play tricks on you. But if you feel a bulging sensation in your eyes, it could be related to your thyroid. The most common cause of protruding eyes is an overactive thyroid gland, known as hyperthyroidism.

6. Whites Of The Eyes Turn Yellow 眼白變黃

This condition is known as jaundice. It frequently appears in newborns with immature liver function, but it can also appear in adults. If jaundice appears in an adult, it’s a sign of liver, gallbladder or bile duct problems.

7. Blurred Vision In A Diabetic 糖尿病視網膜病變。

People with diabetes are at an increased risk for several different eye problems. The most common is diabetic retinopathy. This condition affects the circulatory system of the eye. It’s the leading cause of blindness in American adults.

8. Double Vision, Dim Vision Or Vision Loss 雙瞳,昏暗或視力喪失

If you experience sudden double vision, dim vision or loss of vision, see a health care professional immediately. These can all be warning signs of a stroke.

Learn more about the connection between health and your eyes in the video below!

