我們不要低估任何人,除非你真的很認識他們。因為外表雖 然看來很可愛、很無辜天真似的,事實上他極可能是個狡猾 的機會主義者。
We should not underestimate anyone unless you really know them well enough. Because from the look may see cute and innocent, the truth could be cunning and an opportunist.
~ Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche 蘇曼嘉旺 仁波切
We should not underestimate anyone unless you really know them well enough. Because from the look may see cute and innocent, the truth could be cunning and an opportunist.
~ Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche 蘇曼嘉旺 仁波切