2019年1月19日 星期六

明目手印 - 改善血液循環 / Rudra Mudra - Improves Blood Circulation

目視不明?面無血色?練習一下明目手印吧!Blocked vision? Pale face? Try Rudra Mudra!

明目手印的功效Benefits of Rudra Mudra

   改善血液循環improves circulation
   改善視力improves eyesight
   改善呼吸improves respiration
   降低暈眩及虛脫感reduces feelings of dizziness & exhaustion


1. 以食指尖、無名指尖,觸碰拇指尖Connect tips of index & ring fingers to tip of thumb
2. 伸直其餘手指Extend the rest of fingers


1. 每次練習最少5分鐘Practise at least 5 minutes per trial
2. 每天最多練習6Practise at most 6 times per day

