2019年7月24日 星期三

轉貼文章 : Following a healthy plant-based diet may lower type 2 diabetes risk

For immediate release: July 22, 2019
Boston, MA – People who follow predominantly plant-based diets with greater adherence may have a lower: risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who follow these diets with lower adherence, according to a new meta-analysis from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The researchers also found that the association was stronger for people whose diets emphasized healthy plant-based foods.
The study was published online July 22, 2019 in JAMA Internal Medicine.
“Plant-based dietary patterns are gaining popularity in recent years, so we thought it was crucial to quantify their overall association with diabetes risk, particularly since these diets can vary substantially in terms of their food composition,” said first author Frank Qian, who conducted the research as a masters student in the Department of Nutrition.
While previous studies have suggested that plant-based dietary patterns may help lower type 2 diabetes risk, there has been a lack of research analyzing the overall body of epidemiological evidence. According to the researchers, the current study provides the most comprehensive evidence to date for the association between adherence to healthy plant-based diets and reduced type 2 diabetes risk.
The researchers identified nine studies that looked at this association and were published through February 2019. Their meta-analysis included health data from 307,099 participants with 23,544 cases of type 2 diabetes. They analyzed adherence to an “overall” predominantly plant-based diet, which could include a mix of healthy plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes, but also less healthy plant-based foods such as potatoes, white flour, and sugar, and modest amounts of animal products. The researchers also looked at “healthful” plant-based diets, which were defined as those emphasizing healthy plant-based foods, with lower consumption of unhealthy plant-based foods.
The researchers found that people with the highest adherence to overall predominantly plant-based diets had a 23% lower risk of type 2 diabetes compared to those with weaker adherence to the diets. They also found that the association was strengthened for those who ate healthful plant-based diets.
One mechanism that may explain the association between predominantly plant-based diets and reduced type 2 diabetes risk, according to the researchers, is that healthy plant-based foods have been shown to individually and jointly improve insulin sensitivity and blood pressure, reduce weight gain, and alleviate systemic inflammation, all of which can contribute to diabetes risk.
“Overall, these data highlighted the importance of adhering to plant-based diets to achieve or maintain good health, and people should choose fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, tofu, and other healthy plant foods as the cornerstone of such diets,” said senior author Qi Sun, associate professor in the Department of Nutrition.
Other Harvard Chan authors of the study included Gang Liu, Frank Hu, and Shilpa Bhupathiraju.
The study was supported by National Institute of Health grants HL60712, P30 DK46200, and DK112940. Bhupathiraju is supported by a Career Development Grant from the NIDDK (K01 DK107804).
“Association between plant-based dietary patterns and risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” Frank Qian, Gang Liu, Frank B. Hu, Shilpa N. Bhupathiraju, Qi Sun, JAMA Internal Medicine, online, doi: doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.2195
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image: iStock.com
For more information:
Chris Sweeney







別老是坐著 少坐一點對糖尿病有好處

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  這些研究對象平均年齡63歲,患有糖尿病的時間平均為6年,平均身體質量指數(BMI)30.5 kg/m2—定義為肥胖。
  14名研究對象有服用口服降血糖藥物,13人有使用降血脂藥物—主要是statin類藥物。篩檢時,研究對象的平均空腹血漿血糖值為7.88 mmol/L、平均HbA1c6.7%
  結果顯示,相同的研究對象,相較於每天坐14小時的「一直坐著」方式,「少坐一點」介入方式的24小時血糖值增量曲線下面積(iAUC)顯著降低(1263 min × mmol/L vs 1974 min × mmol/L; P = .002)
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  俄亥俄州克里夫蘭診所內分泌科醫師Kevin M Pantalone等人在線上發表於2016812日糖尿病照護期刊的報告中寫道,為了獲得血糖控制,醫師與患者應即時且儘早提升治療介入。
  這三組患者,在HbA1c升高 —定義為經歷「臨床慣性」—的6個月內未接受介入的百分比,HbA1c大於7%者有38%、大於7.5%者有31%、大於8%者有28%
  校正干擾因素之後,相較於延遲或未接受介入者,6個月內接受介入的患者比較可能達到他們的HbA1c目標(起初/開始時HbA1c > 7%;風險比[HR], 0.57P = .001;起初/開始時 HbA1c > 7.5%HR, 0.25P = .01;起初/開始時HbA1c > 8%HR, 0.25P = .04)
  相較於在6個月內接受介入的62%患者,經歷臨床慣性HbA1c大於7%38%患者略為年長:56.0 vs 54.2(P = .038)
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